Everything looked really great and I hardly had anything to ask him. It really just felt like I was popping in to say hi! I was thrilled to really have nothing to report, and he seemed pleased with how everything was going.
At that time, I was still having a lot of neck pain. I started seeing a new Chiropractor who did manual adjustments which I haven't had in so long; I've been offered e-Stem, heat, and massage, but no actual manipulation of my spine. It worked tremendously! I have so much more relief now, as of today, than I have in the last year. The adjustments did trigger migraines, so that was a really hard two months, but barreling through it really allowed time for my treatments to help my neck.
I am seeing Piper next Monday, March 14th. One of the minor setbacks I mentioned earlier is that I was struck in the face last week :( I was getting a massage, and while she was rubbing my shoulder, her hand slipped and she popped me right in the jaw. Increased pain like crazy! I've been worried about it and so looking forward to this appointment. I'm worried that something could be wrong as the pain has gotten worse and has become bilateral instead of just staying on the side where I was hit.
I'm in orthodontics now to correct my bite, not wearing a splint, but rubber bands on hooks. Wearing the rubber bands helps with the jaw pain, but gives me headaches from the tension - right now I feel like I can't win! Hopefully seeing Piper next week will answer some questions and give me something to do other than getting back on Klonopin and Relafen (recommended by Jeff; I've been off these meds for months).
Also, the Piper Clinic has a ton of new staff members and they are all awesome from my experiences so far! I live close, so I'm always calling, scheduling my Ortho appts. on the days Jackson works out of the clinic, and stopping by to say hi. I had the pleasure of meeting three women who were one day post-op at my last Ortho visit and that was awesome. One of the women recognized me from Facebook! - Is it wrong that I was slightly offended that their mothers began whispering that I probably thought they were all crazy because of how they talk with their splints in? Regardless, I jumped in and told them I was a year post-op so no need to say I don't know what it's like!
This crazy journey has so many ups and downs, but the relief I feel and how much my life has been changed is worth every challenge thrown at me.
{happy place}
Today, I saw Dr. Piper in office. So many staff changes!! I met new people in the office as always, which is one of my favorite parts!
We did a CT scan which shows that my right condyle is still very fragile and has less surface area than the left. I've slacked off on the Calcium and Vitamin D supplements, but he really stressed the importance. I am to continue orthodontics to see how I tolerate before considering another surgery to lengthen my jaw on the right side. The CT also shows that my neck is once again a mess. He recommends extensive chiropractic work right away for my entire lumbar and cervical spine.
My masseuse fiasco has stirred up my sympathetic nerve system tremendously. He's now stating that I have a sympathetic nerve disorder, that I am very sensitive to trauma, and has prescribed Lyrica to slow nerve conductions to help with all of the pain in my jaw, neck, and ears, as well as headaches.
The trauma has cause muscle spasms, and increased pain, which he's hoping the Lyrica combined with Relafen and Klonopin will help. I don't like Klonopin but he wants me to stay on it. He says that I'm wired backwards as I don't want to try any medications and don't get too much relief from them, yet things like putting elastics on my braces are my preference and reduce pain.

On top of all this, he wants me to research Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome as my joints are very loose (always have been) and make me more susceptible to injuries. He grabbed my wrist in the middle of the conversation and said "this is what I'm talking about!" - hyyyyypermobile joints are my thing, apparently.
Good news though, is that my graft space looks good and that I'm "holding the grafts tight." He's pleased with how they are doing, but is pretty concerned about my neck and back, and sympathetic nerve system. I'm going to have a hard time choosing what to decide about the chiro - I see it mostly as a necessary evil and it's so hard to find someone to trust.
Bottom line: I feel okay/optimistic about everything, and still love Piper as he is an incredible, miracle-working human who kicks ass daily at making people feel better and changing lives.
As always, my blog contains cheesy little quotes that I love and pictures that make me happy.